I had to pack away a wet tent once again as it had been raining all night. Plus I didn’t sleep too well as there were a group of loud idiots partying all night in one of the outdoor cabins. I was up before them so I went in and stole a can of their beer. Although the last laugh was on them as I discovered later it was on 1.5% vol.
The campsite was on the road I needed to Riga, and the sign read 125km. The first town I’d reach was called Joniskis and was only 30km. The road I was on was so straight and so boring. In fact this road would have continued absolutely perfectly straight and flat all the way to Jelgava in Latvia, if it wasn’t for the town getting in the way that is.
Stopped for lunch in Jelgava and then continued to Riga. The sun was out now and I could hear seagulls, I’m finally on the coast again, the Gulf of Riga to precise in the Baltic Sea. It’s good to be on the coast again. I will stick to the coast for some time now.
I should be camping in Riga but it turns out the campsite has closed down. I had to search for a hotel but they all appeared booked. Lucky for me one hotel stuck me in the basement apartment and it has to be the best room in the hotel. Ok, my clothes might not dry very quickly but there’s a hair drier.