Day 5 – Myths and Truths

Short day today after a 12 mile head start from where we camped last night. Mainly A-roads around Warrington and Liverpool. A little rain but nothing like the past downpours.

So since there was less excitement today, instead we thought we’d give you a few myths and truths about life on the road that we’ve learnt (the hard way)

1) Hills get easier once you’ve done a few… fundamentally not true!
2) It’s not your bum aching you need worry about (that goes by day three/four)… It’s the chaffing!
3) You get a better nights sleep in a youth hostel dorm than in a tent.
4) Rain can be categorised by its soaking potential…its all just as wet!
5) Ant eats more bananas than Dave because he’s hairier.
6) Cycling from John O’Groats to Lands End is downhill.


1) Going commando saves washing!
2) The bit between the bottom of your testicles and leg chaffes painfully if you don’t apply savlon!
3) you can drink beer every night and not get a beer belly or hangover… just do a 80 mile bike ride each day 😉
4) Greggs do a fantastic sausage, bacon and egg bap with capuccino for £2
5) Nipples do not get sore through cycling…No vaseline required
6) The first and the last hills of the day hurt the most… plus Dave takes three hills to get up to full operating temperature!
7) A southerly wind makes cycling Lands End to John O’Groats easier.