The elements won…
We’re currently shacked up in another hostel, drinking Daves hot broth while waiting for sodden clothes to dry. This wasn’t meant to be the case. The plan was to camp.
The day started wet and stayed that way, it didn’t even hold off for a minute. By dinner we took refuge in a tourist information office but we spent so long trying on novelty ginger wigs that the already wet clothes had started to make us cold.
To make things worse the afternoon was colder and wetter… then the wind started. The scenery was absolutely majestic, grey mist smouldering against huge backdrops, but equally it was 8 degrees with a hammering head-wind that gave us a serious wind chill. It was only a short ride today (63 miles) but it was what this trip is all about for us taking on the mental battle of extreme adversity and coming through it… mentally though today’s supposed ‘easy’ ride was perhaps the toughest yet!
Please can we have some dry weather tomorrow. We’d much rather moan about the midges.